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Current Affiliates

"Affiliates" of the Summer Mathematics Programs Consortium are fellow-traveling individuals and organizations whose interests are aligned with the Consortium's work. These are the Consortium Affiliates for 2024–25:

Membership Criteria

All of our member organizations run in-person summer programs for middle or high school students in the US, at which all of their participants do intensive mathematics with a focus on enrichment, not acceleration. In an effort toward diversity, equity, and inclusion, member organizations provide need-based financial aid. Member organizations maintain non-profit status (independently or under the umbrella of a college/university/sponsor) and are structured to run programming on an ongoing basis. Members are admitted through an application process. Those who do not meet the criteria for membership may apply instead to be Affiliates. Learn more here [PDF].

The fine print: all of the Consortium Members and Affiliates have been invited to be a part of our community by the Consortium's Steering Committee, and have affirmed their support for the mission and values of the Summer Mathematics Programs Consortium. Note that the Consortium does not explicitly endorse any of the Member or Affiliate programs themselves; conversely, participation by an individual need not imply endorsement by their employer, and participation of a program need not imply endorsement by their parent organization or institution.

Member and Affiliate Applications

Each fall, a committee will review membership applications. Organizations who qualify for membership will then be invited to fill out a member agreement form. Membership renewal happens on an annual basis, and is a natural opportunity to update the list of individuals who will be representing your program in the Consortium.

Member and Affiliate applications were open Sept 1 – September 30, 2024 for the 2024-25 year. The application season has now closed. Stay tuned for applications for the 2025–26 year in fall 2025!

We will review applications in early October, follow up as needed for discussion with applicants, and finalize decisions by the end of October. Once a new Member/Affiliate is invited to join, the next steps are Member/Affiliate agreement forms and committee assignments, and the 2024-25 cohort will begin November 1st.

Current Member Programs, Affiliate Programs, and Individual Affiliates need not reapply; you will be invited to renew by filling out the Member/Affiliate agreement form.

If you have other questions, please email the Consortium Steering Committee.

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